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News Story

Making this documentary was really fun. The original idea was to research and review the three top pizza places in Manchester. The quickly evolved once we realized how little time we had to interview in front of each restaurant and how long each review took. On the first day we changed the idea to "Places in Manchester where Kids don't eat Often." This included Al Ducci's and Depot 62. While I would have liked to get to more locations to film my crew, Brianna and Michael, were having troubles getting the gear set up in th cold. The framing for the shot on Al Ducci's for example took at least 20 minutes since we had to get the whole sign in it. And the shot in front of Depot 62 was difficult because of the reflecction. We wanted to use a key light without seeing it in the windows. In the end we went for good shots of less locations rather than a lot of medium shots. While only 44 seconds, with 3 more days of filming we could have gotten to Shaw's, and the other places on our list.

Brianna edited the news story and we got no behind the scenes shots. If she sends me screenshots of the editing timeline I will update here.

News Ideas

Idea #1

Best pizza in Manchester, interview students, and teachers at each pizza place.

Idea #2

What does it feel like playing in front of such an intense fan section as a BBA basketball player?

Idea #3

Is BBA cliquey? 

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